Cramer on Code

Software Development blog

Plastic SCM vs Git Rebase

Ryan Lanciaux and I were having a conversation about git rebase and I thought I would share the gist of it here.

Using Plastic SCM I created the scenario Ryan was explaining. The beauty of Plastic SCM is how few words I need for you to understand the scenario we were discussing

The Rebase Condition

Rebase Condition

Building MVC Jimmy Style

This blog is a step by step tutorial that transforms a default MVC 5 application into Jimmy Bogard's Feature oriented configuration as described in his presentation. His sample project located here was used to guide the way. The VSIX package and source code of this presentation are available here.

Hello Github Blog

Creating a github blog is actually much more trouble than it should be. If you are wanting to blog versus learning Ruby, Jekyll, git and more then don't use it. I am currently using Octopress but would quickly switch if the configuration and deployment were simplified by another option.